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Featured Blog Posts

Amistad & Dillard Join in Commemoration of the March On Washington's 60th Anniversary
NEWS:Amistad Center & Dillard Univ. mark 60th anniversary of March on Washington

60th Anniversary of the March on Washington: Where Do We Go From Here?
"Where Do We Go From Here?" marked the 60th anniversary of the March.

Preserving a Legacy: Opening of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund Records
The Center proudly announces the opening of FSC/LAF Records for public access!
Blog Posts

Publications at Tuskegee
Amistad's blog series features HBCUs; this week, we highlight Tuskegee.

A Taste of Spring from the Hampton Institute Agricultural News
April ends Amistad's HBCU series with Hampton Institute’s Agricultural News.

Amistad’s Newest Exhibition Highlights Women in New Orleans
Divergent Roads highlights Black women in New Orleans history at Amistad.

The Maroon Tiger: The Voice of the Students of Morehouse College
The Maroon Tiger, Morehouse College's newspaper, began in 1898 as The Athenaeum.

Sketches of Harlem in Texas: Melvin B. Tolson’s Contributions to The Wiley Reporter
Melvin B. Tolson is an important yet often overlooked Harlem Renaissance figure.

Bluefield State College: An Example of Changing Demographics at HBCUs
This week, we examine the history of Bluefield State College in West Virginia.

The Campus Mirror: Spelman Reflected in its Newspaper
Amistad's blog series on HBCUs concludes with a look at Spelman College.

A Blog Series Celebrating Performing Artists
African American musicians and actors have greatly enriched America's history.

Carol Brice: Contralto Excellence
I will explore Carol Brice's life as a celebrated singer and professor.