In 1926, former school teacher and newspaper publisher O.C.W. (Orlando Capitola Ward) Taylor published a 28-page souvenir booklet dedicated "to the Progress of the Colored Citizens of New Orleans, Louisiana, "America's Most Interesting City." The Crescent City Pictorial was designed by O.T. Griffin and featured the photography of Villard Paddio. This largely visual publication featured images of African American homes, businesses, schools, churches, and social organizations, and serves as one of the best visual documents of African American life in early 20th century New Orleans.
Businesses include the United Industrial Life Insurance Company, Carr and Llopis Undertakers, Dorsey's Valeteria, Flint-Goodridge Hospital, Geddes and Moss Undertaking and Embalming, George D. Geddes Co. Morticians, Astoria Hotel and Restaurant, as well as various pharmacies, photography studios, and mercantile companies. Social organizations, such as the San Jacinto Club, People's Community Center, Pythian Temple, Autocrat Social and Pleasure Club, and Lions Club are also featured, as well as various schools, including New Orleans College, Xavier University, Straight College, and elementary and secondary schools.